At Enero Arquitectura we have made some recommendations for summer reading about significant architects and their drawings.
Buildings have a great impact on our mood and well-being. So, it is interesting to explore the value of architecture in mental health care and to create a positive therapeutic environment. This is what we call architecture for mental health.
The architectural complex of the Central Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary is one of the emblematic constructions by the Group of Catalan Architects and Technicians for the Progress of Contemporary Architecture (GATCPAC).
Learn about the challenge of designing architecture for nuclear medicine and other spaces at the Jiménez Díaz Foundation University Hospital
In recent years, hospital architecture and engineering have undergone a true revolution. Their objective is not only to design clinically efficient healthcare centres, but to also design physical infrastructures that will be therapeutic for all users.
In commemoration of Women's Day, January's female voices come together to discuss the role of women in architecture.
In this first part, we start in Egypt and its religious approach to these proto-hospitals and then arrive at the most paradigmatic Renaissance examples, such as by Filarete, an important figure in the history of architecture.